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What are the natural ingredients for skin

What are the natural ingredients for skin

Torque Ayurveda871 23-Apr-2019

The oldest natural medicine system in the world, Ayurveda, offers a simple guide to determine if a beauty product is safe: if it is not, do not apply it to skin."The skin is not just a dead layer covering the human body," says a medical doctor and medical director, an Ayurveda health center. "It's the largest organ in the body and also one of the most sensitive ". So sensitive, in fact, that when a person put products on his skin, they are absorbed by the holes and travel to the bloodstream. To test the sensitivity of the skin, consider that every square inch of skin holds 1,300 nerve endings. Due to this reason why skin problems, such as rashes, hives, and eczema, are frequent in times of emotional disturbances. And it is also the reason why a calm and happy mind is a major ingredient for radiant and healthy skin. Ingredients of all ayurvedic products are naturally available in the environment.

In short, healthy living makes skin healthy. Beauty troubles, such as acne, dark circles, and swelling can be reflections of internal imbalances. The beauty regime includes eating fresh foods, drinking ample of pure water, sleep at 10 pm, getting up with the sun and performing abhyanga, a daily self-massage of oil that is said to improve skin tone, stability the nervous system increase immunity. Try the sesame oil if its constitution is dominated by Vata or Kapha; Coconut or almond oil if the pitta predominates. In winter, abhyanga is particularly important to moisturize the skin and to warm the body. In summer, kapha types can miss out the abhyanga.

5 natural DIY ingredients for skin care to try

1. Turmeric

This bitter and astringent spice has antiseptic and natural antibiotic properties that make it efficient against stains. Mix half a teaspoon with one ounce of thick cream, apply it to the skin with a facial sponge and rinse. Refrigerate leftovers

2. Sea salt and sesame oil.

Mix in a paste for a wonderful weekly scrub. Add a few drops of necessary oil to perfume if desired.

3. Fennel seeds

Chewing fennel seeds after eating aids digestion, so people will find them in Indian restaurants. The ayurvedic theory proposes that good digestion is compulsory for clear skin.

4. Ginger tea 

This pacifies Kapha and helps digestion. Drink small amounts between meals.

5. Lemon and honey

Help the human body get rid of ama (toxins and impurities) by taking a cup of warm water with honey and lemon juice first thing in the morning. The spots and acne are the results of ama and pitta. while the cellulite set down come from an accumulation of ama and Kapha. To help eliminate the mistress, people can also take this cleaning drink in the afternoon and drink hot water throughout the day.

Almost all ayurvedic products are taking the help of all natural ingredients to make a herbal product for peoples. All herbal products are less harmful as compared to other pharmacy products. The herbal products are very economical so that’s why everyone can purchase these products.

Updated 19-Sep-2020
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